Monday, September 7, 2009

Hospital 1, Hospital 2, Hospital 3...Through the Husband's eyes (continued)

The majority of the time in the ICU, I stayed by my Wife's side. You can imagine the thoughts racing through my head. Everytime a machine beeped my heart sank. I memorized every stat on the machines so I could tell if her condition changed. I had such a difficult time trying to comprehend the situation. I reasoned with God, I reasoned with myself. How the HELL did this happen? We wanted a child...thats it. We are good people, my Wife is a saint...WHY WHY WHY?

At one point, I went home to let the dogs out, take a shower, make a few calls. I walked into the house and went into our bedroom. I saw her clothes laid out on the bed. Everything was too normal. It was like she was home. I started to cry.

Back at the hospital, her condition remained the same. The doctors decided to keep her on blood thinners until they could find a hospital that specialized in strokes. They called Duke University, UNC, UVA, etc. No beds were available. Finally, UNC called and had an open bed in the stroke unit. They airlifted my Wife to UNC. I jumped in my car and headed to North Carolina. I thought about the kiss I gave her before they boarded her onto the helicopter. I am not a spiritual person or at least I wasn't before this happened. I prayed the entire drive to UNC.